Wednesday, December 3, 2008

we hold the world ransom for... One Million Dollars!

First it was just a few billion, then $700 billion, then $1.2 trillion, now experts are estimating that the government will be spending all together 7.4 trillion dollars on this giant boondoggle of a bailout! That is half of the US GDP. How are we supposed to pay for all of this?  Everyone's getting in on the act.  The Big 3 automakers want their peice of the pie.  First it was $25 billion.  Two weeks later, it's $38 billion.  This is a huge amount of money, but compared to $7.4 trillion, what's another $38 billion drop in the bucket?

The fact that Bush and McCain are largely going along with these bailouts should indicate that they are not a traditional conservatives.  In fact, these bailouts are not a winning issue with the general public, at least not overwhelmingly.  Yet many Republicans support it as well as a majority of the Democrats.  Businesses like GM and AIG support these bailouts because they want to stay afloat without altering the status quo.  Remember, big businesses don't like capitalism and competition: once they are on top, the only way to go is down.

The question is why do Democrats, the party of the people, support these massive bailouts of Big Business?  Simple: it expands the governments power and influence.  The government on a scale not seen since the Great Society or the New Deal.  The Democrats will be essentially nationalizing these industries.  The federal government will be the not so silent partner of these industries.  Do you want to put your money in the First Bank of Nancy Pelosi?  Or how about drive a car that was designed by Barney Frank's staffer?  We are becoming more socialist with every passing day.  We have the most left-wing president in history and he hasn't even taken office yet?

Unbelievable.  The Founding Fathers would be ashamed of us.

P.S.  We have to remember that this $7.4 trillion is only the beginning of government spending: do you think his great new health care system will be free?  Think again.  Trillions more dollars down the tube.

P.P.S. How to pay for it all: the New Obama Tax Plan.  1) How much did you make last year?  2) Send it to the IRS.  3) All hail Obama!

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